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Help Center

FAQs: If you encounter issues, our FAQs might have the answer.

Contact Us: For further questions, reach out to our support team.

WeChat:  easycloudtechinc

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How do i get paid? -Business

After completing a task, users have the option to pay via credit card or other methods such as cash. If a user opts for credit card payment, you can withdraw the funds through the software within 5-7 business days after the task is completed.

How do i get paid? -Event Merchant

You can withdraw funds from the software within 5-7 business days after the completion of the activity.

How do i get paid? -Individual

After completing a task, users have the option to pay via credit card or other methods such as cash. If a user opts for credit card payment, you can withdraw the funds through the software within 5-7 business days after the task is completed.

How do I cancel my book?

bookYou can cancel your book at any time before it is confirmed. If you have a confirmed order with a Tasker, please follow the Tasker's refund policy for cancellation.

If I can't get in touch with the Tasker?

If you encounter difficulties while trying to contact a Tasker, RedCap Task offers the following communication methods:

Directly communicate using the Instant Messaging feature within our software.
Contact via email or phone.
If you have already tried all possible channels (including Instant Messaging, email, or phone) to reach a Tasker but have not received a response, please contact us immediately. Our support team operates around the clock and will respond to you as soon as possible.

You can contact us through our customer service
WeChat at easycloudtechinc or via email at

Please understand that Taskers may not be able to respond immediately while they are carrying out tasks. Therefore, we at RedCap Task are here to ensure your service arrangement process is easy and worry-free.

How much should I tip?

The industry standard for tipping ranges from 10-20% of the total cost. While the platform doesn't enforce tipping, it encourages users to offer tips to Taskers, as it can enhance overall societal well-being.

It's crucial to remember that tips are not included in the overall price, and the platform does not deduct any portion of the tips received by Taskers.

For additional information, please make sure to communicate with Tasker.

How do I contact the Tasker?

It's important to always get in touch with Tasker before booking. Speaking with Tasker allows for the customization of your task based on your preferences and expertise. This conversation can also clear up any queries about the task detail, moving, cleaning, loction, personal class, pets health, schedules, costs, and the process for settling any outstanding payments.

APP offers an integrated chat feature, enabling you to quickly connect with Tasker and promptly receive information about pricing and task details. Once Tasker provides a quote, please ensure to click confirm in a timely manner to complete your final booking.

Tech issue?

Contact Us: For further questions, reach out to our support team.

WeChat:  easycloudtechinc



How do i get paid? -Merchant Staff

As an employee, your role is limited to your assigned tasks. All orders and funds received are distributed by your manager. Please contact your manager for further information.


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